The 5 Foundational Exercises Every Golfer Must Do
When it comes to golf fitness, trends come and go, but the fundamentals always remain. Squats, hinges, pushes, pulls, and...
Boost Your Game with the Norwegian 4 x 4: A Golfer’s Guide to Cardio for Peak Performance
Golfers may not always be the first to think of intense cardio, but the Norwegian 4 x 4 protocol is...
The Power of Eccentric-Focused Resistance Training for Golf Performance
In the sport of golf, power, control, and injury prevention are essential to a consistent, strong swing. Eccentric-focused resistance training,...
How Slams and Jumps Improve Club Head Speed
When it comes to improving club head speed, exercises like slams and jumps may not look anything like a golf...
Sprinting... For Golf?!
I firmly believe that golfers are athletes and should train accordingly.
Why I Stopped Programming Deload Weeks
When I began my flagship program, Lift Heavy, Swing Fast, I used to schedule deload weeks for athletes after periods of...